Business Management
We are a full-service business management firm with advanced resources. We provide a variety of accounting functions that are customized to suit each client’s needs including: budgeting, bookkeeping, personal account management, tour financial management, insurance assessment, financial statement preparation, tax preparation, consulting with investment professionals, and much more.

Tax Services
GR&F maintains professional relationships with tax authorities and experts throughout the United States, United Kingdom, Europe, Canada, Asia, and Australia. GR&F professionals conduct comprehensive, year‐round financial planning to provide clients with superior tax solutions. Specific focus areas include Federal, state, and local returns, central withholding agreements, FEU applications, quarterly tax projections, and IRS and HMRC audit representation. Together, relationships facilitate proactive mitigation and settlement of tax liabilities.

Family Office
GR&F offers the experience and technology to address the complexities of managing and sustaining wealth. By applying our proven methodology, we help clients stay on track toward stated goals and adjust to tax law changes, the economic environment, or personal circumstances. Just as important, our strict internal controls ensure that we proactively monitor our client’s wealth and mitigate future risks.

Royalty Examinations, Contract Compliance & Valuations

Royalty Administration
GR&F provides all of the services of a record label royalty department for many high profile independent labels, investment firm catalog owners, distributors and artists with direct distribution. These companies engage the label administration department to render timely artist, producer, side artist, JV net profit and mechanical royalty accountings. The GRF label administration department is staffed with experienced and dedicated royalty analysts offering personalized service to label administration clients. GR&F also maintains a specialized, dedicated group of team members devoted full-time to music publishing administration. On behalf of songwriter clients with their own music publishing companies, the group maintains a database of rate information, files copyright forms, registers songs with performing rights organizations, and issues music licenses in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada and renders timely statements for any co-publishing/songwriter obligations.

International Representation
We are a full service business management firm with offices in both the United States and United Kingdom. This along with our international network of contacts enables us to provide international representation to clients on tax, business, and personal matters. From negotiating property purchases in Europe to paying projected tax liabilities in Asia, we help our clients feel confident about their life and business — wherever their passions take them.

Tour Accounting
Across our offices in the United States and United Kingdom we administer tour finances worldwide, delivering immediate in-depth financial oversight to clients and non-client artists. From tax mitigation and compliance and budget projections, to cash management and income reconciliation, our touring department provides a broad menu of services to ensure complete financial clarity. We are also the only firm to employ full time traveling staff who work together with our established teams of business management professionals. These on road tour accountants provide benefits unsurpassed by our freelance counterparts including: contracted confidentiality, years of relationship building with key industry players and venues, plus the professional expertise of the firm’s umbrella of services.